A Qualitative Study Examining the Perspectives of Probation Officers on the Effectiveness of Reentry Programs on Recidivism in San Francisco
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This qualitative study explored the perspectives of probation officers in San Francisco on the effectiveness of reentry programs in reducing recidivism. The problem addressed was the high rate of recidivism, posing challenges to public safety and the criminal justice system. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of probation officers on the central phenomenon of recidivism and reentry program effectiveness in San Francisco. The research was framed by the general strain theory, which explains criminal behavior as a response to strain, and Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological systems theory, which considers the environmental factors affecting rehabilitation. Methodologically, semistructured interviews with San Francisco probation officers were conducted and were complemented by surveys and document analysis for triangulation. The qualitative analysis highlighted patterns and themes from the officers’ narratives and provided a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities in reentry programs. The findings revealed critical insights into the alignment of reentry programs with probation officers’ professional judgments and identified key factors that influence recidivism. These insights can inform the development of more effective reintegration strategies, ultimately aiming to enhance public safety and reduce repeat offenses.