Implementation of Safety Education for Window Fall Prevention in Children



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Falls are the most common reason for childhood unintentional injury visits to the emergency department in the United States. Of these, window falls account for the most significant injury and are underrepresented in injury prevention education, leading to a lack of awareness. Anticipatory guidance tools do not consistently address window safety at the peak age of incidence. This quality improvement project employed interprofessional collaboration to address the gap in window safety education and tools while utilizing the Model for Improvement, developed by Associates in Press. This study aims to demonstrate the benefit of aligning primary care anticipatory guidance practices with local trauma injury trends and creating multimodal actionable interventions based on identified risk factors from data collected from 2015-2020. Outcomes for this 18-month initiative were designed to increase awareness of the incidence of pediatric window falls, improve the delivery of window safety education, and provide injury prevention education and window safety resources through interprofessional collaboration. Future recommendations for this study include advancing window safety legislation in California and potentially in the nation for health care providers to implement window safety education, engineering, and enforcement, which are the three E’s of injury prevention.


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Nursing Practice


Health Education, Public Health, Nursing
