Moua, Shua Joyce2021-02-052021-02-052020-04 dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Business AdministrationThe healthcare industry has many challenges that increases the likelihood of burnout among employees to include emotional fatigue because of caring for sick patients, long work hours, and the physical demands of the job. The purpose of this quantitative research study was to investigate hardiness, burnout, and intent to turnover among ancillary managers within a U.S. healthcare organization. Studies have focused on clinical staff burnout with research on burnout among nurse managers, nurses, and physicians. However, there have been limited research studies investigating burnout, hardiness, and intent to turnover among ancillary managers. There is a high demand for top talent, both on the clinical side with jobs such as nursing or physicians, as well as with ancillary managers who help to ensure operations and organizational goals are met. As managers play an important role in the organization, it is important to better understand the relationship between burnout, hardiness, and intent to turnover among ancillary managers in healthcare organizations.en-USBusiness AdministrationHealth Care ManagementBurnout, Hardiness, and Intent to Turnover Among U.S. Healthcare Ancillary ManagersThesis